Data publikacji : 2017-11-03

The Eurozone Crisis: Short-Run versus Long-Run Solutions

Jens Pickert

Vijay Narayanan



RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The main objective of this article is to present the result of the comparison of the short‑run and the long‑run solutions available for the Eurozone crisis. The main focus lies in examining if the provisions provided for the short‑term are sufficient compared to the long‑term solutions.

THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The existing monetary policy in the European Monetary Union at the beginning of the crisis will be examined together with the measures pursued immediately following the crisis as well as future prospects. The study is based on a literature review.

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The monetary policy showed structural problems clearly emphasizing that the Eurozone was not prepared to address this crisis. The first reactive measures were taken several months after the start of the crisis. The implemented solutions on the short‑run did not meet the requirements to garner lost trust and determination. In summary, the decided provisions on the short‑run solutions were not sufficient.

RESEARCH RESULTS: On the one hand, some efforts were made to find short run solutions. But these short‑run solutions could not solve the financial difficulties of the affected Eurozone countries. On the other hand, long‑run solutions are highly discussed in the literature but are not set in place. Therefore, only a political and monetary union can solve the structural problems of the Eurozone. However, in the foreseeable future, politicians need to spend more efforts into this aim.

CONCLUSION, INNOVATION AND RECOMMENDATION: The paper underlines the need for a political and monetary union. A first step in the long‑term would be the introduction of the European Monetary Fund and later on the Eurobonds.





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