Data publikacji : 2016-12-21

Beyond complexities of co-operative values and principles: Developing a framework for lifestyle research and education

Ryszard Michał Stocki



RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The paper proposes a meth­odology to study individuals and their institutions by the study of their lifestyles.

THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: Following Wojtyla’s methodology of studying the person on the basis of his or her actions and conduct, I decided to use similar methodology to answer the question: Are the 19th century Co‑operative Values and Principles still pertinent in the complex economy of the 21st century, and, if so, how can we operationalise them to become vibrant guidelines not only in contemporary business, but also in improving our everyday lives?

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The overview of the research on lifestyle in ethnography, marketing, lifestyle and occupational medicine, and finally criminology shows that unlike values, lifestyle can more easily be operationalized and measured. We both expose our lifestyle and are exposed to the lifestyles of others. Some status‑based lifestyles spread like viruses creating a pandemic of consumerism. These product‑based lifestyles are in complete opposition to the person‑oriented co‑operative lifestyle.

RESEARCH RESULTS: An Exposure Model of Lifestyle allows new concep­tualization of the isomorphism research.

CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: The agency based model of lifestyle may be used for constructing diagnostic tools and investigating the very essence of personal motives both in private and work life. This model is supposed to help to investigate to what degree an individual’s lifestyle impacts the functioning of a participative company and whether it is reflected in the company’s success.





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