The Transcendent and Horizontal Anthropology of „Horizons of Education”

  • Wit Pasierbek Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie, Wydział Pedagogiczny, Instytut Nauk o Polityce i Administracji


The author analyzes the scientific achievements and programme
development of the past twenty issues of the “Horizons of Education”, i.e. “authentic educating of contemporary man to complete humanity”. In order to justify these assumptions, two recent anthropological doctrines are presented, namely individualism and collectivism. These are complemented with the crisis of “a sad man”. Finally, the author reaches the conclusion that the programme principles formulated by the Editorial Team are realized via the assumptions of the transcendent and horizontal anthropology realized with the use of the analytical method.


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Palka S., Opinia na temat „Horyzontów Wychowania”, „Horyzonty Wychowania” 6/2007 (11).

Jak cytować
Pasierbek, W. (2011). The Transcendent and Horizontal Anthropology of „Horizons of Education”. Horyzonty Wychowania, 10(20), 19-29. Pobrano z
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