Data publikacji : 2015-12-30

Increasing the European Union’s Innovative Potential by Supporting Social Innovation as a Source of Global Competitiveness within EU’s Public Policy

Aldona Wiktorska-Święcka



In recent decades  in  the European Union’s development, strengthening  innovation has been viewed as  a desirable direction for further development  trends,  which can be seen as an opportunity to increase the EU’s global competitiveness. Achieving this goal will not be possible without taking into account the requirement of understanding innovation in the far broader context than the purely technological one. In recent years, social innovation boldly entered into the mainstream debate on public management, public governance and public
policy. Its popularity  is due  to  the complex changes taking place in the model of development of states, societies and economies. Social innovations are a part of multidimensional  thinking about  the ongoing social changes taking place in a globalised society and have led to the creation of flexible solutions with a high potential for adaptation and modernization.
  The aim of the paper  is to  introduce the phenomenon of social innovation, including in the light of other innovation’s concepts, as a chance to increase the innovation potential of the European Union  in relation to global competition. An  important element that needs to be considered is the importance of the role of public policy in shaping and creating space for social innovation. The main intention is to point out the basic directions of European Union’s activities while strenghtening social innovation planned for the coming years, the implementation of which may be an answer to the global challenges of development.





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